Lunch: Potee Savoyard


2 pounds bacon
1 pig foot
1 whole ham hock
1 cured pig neck
1 whole savoy cabbage, quartered, cored, and each section quartered again
1/2 white cabbage, quartered, and then each quarter halved
White vinegar
2 teaspoons crushed white peppercorns
1 tablespoon juniper berries
1 teaspoon cumin
2 bay leaves
2 cloves
6 small cabbage-stuffed sausages
6 Strasbourg sausages
5 small turnips, peeled and quartered
3 carrots, halved and then cut lengthwise into quarters
3 cloves garlic, halved, germs removed
1 onion, thinly sliced
1 extra-large or 3 regular pork sausages
Bread, for dipping


Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Immerse the bacon, pig foot, ham hock and pig neck and boil for about 1 hour. Wash all the cabbages, add a touch of vinegar, and then drain. Combine the peppercorns, juniper berries, cumin, bay leaves and cloves in a cheesecloth and tie string around the top to make a bouquet garni. After 1 hour of boiling the meats, add the bouquet garni, sausages, turnips, carrots, garlic and onions and cook for about 30 minutes. To serve, arrange the meats and vegetables on a platter and reserve the bouillon from the meats to dip bread in.
NotesThis recipe was provided by a chef, restaurant or culinary professional and may have been scaled down from a bulk recipe. The Food Network Kitchens chefs have not tested this recipe, in the proportions indicated, and therefore, we cannot make any representation as to the results.


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