Dessert: Chocolate, Almond, and Banana Parfaits

Recipe by /contributors/bon-appetit-test-kitchen This super-quick dessert can be served right away, or covered and chilled for up to four hours. (If you're making the parfaits ahead, let stand at room temperature one hour before serving.) Mascarpone (Ita


1/2 cup bittersweet chocolate chips
6 tablespoons heavy whipping cream, divided
3/4 cup mascarpone cheese
3 tablespoons amaretto
2 tablespoons sugar
8 1/2-inch-thick angel food cake slices
24 1/3-inch-thick diagonal banana slices (from about 3 bananas)
1/3 cup (about) sliced almonds, toasted


Heat chocolate chips and 4 tablespoons cream in microwave in 1-cup glass measuring cup at 50 percent power just until chocolate is melted, about 30 to 35 seconds. Stir to blend; cool chocolate sauce to lukewarm. Whisk mascarpone, amaretto, sugar, and remaining 2 tablespoons cream in medium bowl until blended and mixture just starts to thicken.
Using 2 1/2-inch-diameter cookie cutter, cut out round from each angel food cake slice. Place 1 cake round in each of 4 wine goblets or old-fashioned glasses. Top each cake round with 3 banana slices, 1 heaping tablespoon mascarpone mixture, bittersweet chocolate sauce, and sprinkling of almonds. Repeat parfait layering 1 more time and serve.


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