Lunch: Frosted Cranberry-Cherry Pie

Cranberries add a refreshing tartness to cherry pie. Refrigerated pie crusts and canned fruits make this pie very easy to prepare.


1 box Pillsbury™ refrigerated pie crusts, softened as directed on box


Heat oven to 400 °F. Make pie crusts as directed on box for Two-Crust Pie using 9-inch glass pie pan.
In large bowl, mix filling ingredients. Spoon into crust-lined pan. Top with second crust; seal edge and flute. Cut slits in several places in top crust.
Bake 40 to 50 minutes or until crust is golden brown. After 15 to 20 minutes of baking, cover crust edge with strips of foil to prevent excessive browning.
Remove pie from oven. Immediately in small bowl, mix powdered sugar, corn syrup and enough water until smooth and desired drizzling consistency. Drizzle over hot pie; decorate or sprinkle with almonds. Cool at least 1 hour before serving.


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