Snack: Pizza Keto Chips


Pre-sliced pepperoni
Finely Shredded Motzerella Cheese
Finely Grated Parmesan Cheese


1. Preheat oven to 400 F
2. Grab a cookie sheet that’s laying around.
3. Arrange pepperoni’s in batches of 4, so they are close together but not touching.
4. Bake them for about 5 minutes until they are semi crispy and the grease is coming out of them.
5. The pepperoni would have shrunk and are now out of formation.
6. Wipe up the excess redness from the cookie sheet and arrange pepperonis so they are touching.
7. Lay on the cheese and don’t go light! Add permesan on the top. Imagine you are an engineer conducting an experiment for the weight limit.
8. Put back into the oven for about 3 minutes to let the cheese melt and crisp a bit.
9. Lay them onto paper towels to soak up any excess grease.
10. Let sit for 3-4 minutes to cool off and crisp up even more.
11. Nom nom with some marinara sauce, or toss them in the fridge for tomorrow!


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