Lunch: Siba's Sundowner


300 milliliters (1 1/4 cups) apple juice
300 milliliters (1 1/4 cups) carrot juice
300 milliliters (1 1/4 cups) orange juice
300 milliliters (1 1/4 cups) pomegranate juice
1/4 celery stick, grated
Generous piece fresh ginger root, grated


For the juice mixture: Place the apple, carrot, orange and pomegranate juices into a jug and mix well to combine. Stir in the grated celery and ginger and chill until serving. For the cocktail: Place crushed ice into 4 glasses and pour a shot of vodka into each. Wrap an orange slice around each celery stick and place in the glass together with a few mint leaves. Top with the juice mixture and serve.


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