Lunch: Roast Clam Special


12 scrubbed littleneck clams
1/4 stick melted unsalted butter or margarine
Cocktail sauce, for serving


The secret to great roasted clams is using wood as opposed to charcoal. Preheat the grill with wood. (Any hard wood should suffice.) Once burned down to a medium heat, place the clams on a rack on the fire. Avoid putting them directly in the flames. The clams will open in a few minutes. Once each clam is opened, they are ready to be shucked. Remove the rack of clams from the fire and let them cool about 1 minute before proceeding, as they will be hot! Remove the empty shell and discard, putting the shell with the clam back on the cooking rack. With a pastry brush, dab each clam with a little melted butter or margarine and then with a dollop of cocktail sauce. Put the rack back on the fire to finish cooking. When the clams are sizzling and the cocktail sauce is slightly darker, the clams are done. Remove from the grill, allow to cool slightly and enjoy!
NotesThis recipe was provided by a chef, restaurant or culinary professional and may have been scaled down from a bulk recipe. The Food Network Kitchens chefs have not tested this recipe, in the proportions indicated, and therefore, we cannot make any representation as to the results.


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