Lunch: Smoky Chipotle Bloody Mary


Fresh lime, to rim glasses
Celery salt, to rim glasses
8 ounces vodka
8 tablespoons grated fresh horseradish root (can use bottled horseradish instead)
4 teaspoons chipotle paste
2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
Sufficient quantity tomato juice
2 limes, for garnish
4 stalks celery, washed and trimmed


Run a wedge of fresh lime around the edge of 4 lowball glasses. Dip each glass in the celery salt to create a salt rim. To each glass, add 2 ounces vodka, 2 tablespoons horseradish, 1 teaspoon chipotle paste and 1/2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce, and mix. Fill each glass with ice, and top off with tomato juice. Garnish with the juice of half a lime, and throw in a celery stalk.


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