Lunch: Monster BLT


8 slices Thick-cut Bacon, Cooked Till Slightly Crisp
3 slices Marbled Rye Bread, Toasted
3 Tablespoons Mayonnaise
2 teaspoons Adobo Sauce From Chipotle Peppers, More To Taste
2 whole Roma Tomatoes, Sliced Thick
4 whole Green Leaf Lettuce Leaves, Washed
Salt And Pepper
Optional Ingredients: Cheese Slices, Avocado, Red Onion Slices


Mix together the mayo and the adobo sauce, adding more to get the spiciness you want.
Spread some of the chipotle mayo on one piece of bread. Lay on four slices of bacon, then top with lettuce and tomato slices. Sprinkle salt and pepper on the tomatoes.
Spread chipotle mayo on another slice of bread and lay it face down on top of the tomatoes. Spread more chipotle mayo on top, then repeat the bacon, lettuce, tomato, and salt and pepper. Spread chipotle mayo on another piece of toast and lay it face down on top of the tomatoes.
Slice in half and split the sandwich with someone you love!


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