Lunch: Brown Sugar BBQ Pork Butt

Recipe by Ian Knauer You could bake this hunk of meat in an oven, but you'd be missing out on all that smoky flavor you'd be getting from the grill. Use this recipe for Bo Ssäm , Pork Banh Mi with Quick-Pickled Radishes and Carrots , and Summer Chef's Sa


1/4 cup (packed) light brown sugar
3 tablespoons kosher salt
1 tablespoon freshly ground black pepper
1 (4-5-pound) bone-in pork butt


Combine sugar, salt, and pepper in a small bowl. Place pork in foil tray and rub all over with sugar mixture, then cover tray with foil and chill overnight.
Prepare a grill for medium, indirect heat, preferably with hardwood or hardwood charcoal. Uncover pork, then place pork in tray over indirect heat and close grill. Grill pork, basting with any juices from pan every 30 minutes and adding coals or wood as needed, until pork is very tender, 4 –5 hours; loosely tent pork with foil if it starts to become too dark. Let stand at least 15 minutes before shredding.


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