Lunch: Italian Beef Sandwiches

Recipe by Dick Pierce See how to make tender Italian beef sandwiches with au jus.


4 pounds boneless rump roast
6 cloves garlic, slivered
1 cup water
1 tablespoon salt
1 tablespoon coarsely ground black pepper
1 tablespoon crushed red pepper
1 tablespoon dried oregano


Preheat oven to 250 degrees F (120 degrees C). Make slits in roast with a sharp knife, and insert garlic slivers. Place roast in a pan not much larger than the roast. Pour water into pan, and season roast with salt, black pepper, red pepper, and oregano.
Cover, and bake in preheated oven for 2 hours, basting occasionally. Remove from oven, and let cool in roasting pan. Meat should be very rare. Wrap tightly and refrigerate overnight.
The next day, Remove roast from pan, and slice as thinly as possible. Add a little water to roasting pan, and heat on stovetop, but do not boil. Stir to blend seasonings. When au jus is hot, add sliced beef just long enough to heat through. Serve on crusty Italian bread with au jus available for dipping.


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