Lunch: Mocha Parfaits with Fudge Sauce

Eat this at just the right pace. Too fast is no fun and too slow it'll start to run. Strive for a sauntering savor, as might have W. T. Rabe of Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., this holiday's originator.


1/2 cup coarsely chopped reduced-fat double chocolate chip cookies (about 20 bite-size cookies), divided (such as Snackwell's)
2 cups low-fat latte or coffee ice cream, softened (such as Starbucks)
1/4 cup Chocolate Fudge Sauce
1/4 cup frozen fat-free whipped topping, thawed
Coffee beans (optional)


Place 4 (8-ounce) parfait glasses in freezer, and freeze 10 minutes. Spoon 1 tablespoon cookie crumbs into each glass; top with 1/4 cup ice cream, 1 tablespoon fudge sauce, 1 tablespoon cookie crumbs, and 1/4 cup ice cream. Freeze 2 hours or until firm. Top each parfait with 1 tablespoon whipped topping. Garnish with coffee beans, if desired. Serve immediately.


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