Dinner: Homemade Noodles

Easy to make all purpose noodles.


1 large egg, beaten
1/2 tsp table salt
1 cup all purpose flour
4 fl oz fat free milk


1. Combine beaten egg, fat free milk and salt.

2. Add enough sifted all-purpose flour to make stiff dough, (about one cup).

3. Roll very thin on floured surface; let stand 20 minutes.

4. Roll up loosely; slice 1/4" wide.

5. Unroll each slice and spread out on flat surface and let dry at least 2 hours. (If desired, store in container until needed).

6. Drop into boiling soup or boiling, salted water and cook uncovered about 10 minutes.

7. Note: Sounds like a lot of trouble but it's not. Makes a great pot of chicken and noodles, just like my grandma used to make.


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