Breakfast: Brown Rice Congee with Stir-Fried Herbs

Congee is a traditional rice porridge. It's commonly eaten at breakfast time, but can also be enjoyed any other time of day. It's a great way to make a small amount of rice go a long way, and can be paired with meat, fish, veggies or eggs.


2 quarts filtered water
1 cup brown sushi rice
1 tablespoon grapeseed oil or vegetable oil
2 ounces ginger, peeled and finely julienned
2 scallions, trimmed and julienned into 1-inch-long pieces
2 red Thai chilies, stems and seeds removed, thinly sliced into rounds
½ bunch cilantro, stems trimmed and coarsely chopped (about 1 cup)


Fill a large pot with the water. Add the rice, cover, and bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat to medium, and continue to cook until the rice grains break down and the soup thickens, about 1 hour.
Meanwhile in a small skillet over high heat, add the oil and stir-fry the ginger, scallions, and chilies until fragrant and lightly golden, 30-45 seconds. Add the cilantro and continue to stir-fry until just wilted, about 30 seconds more. Transfer to bowl.
Ladle some congee into 6 individual bowls, and top each with about 1 tablespoon of stir-fried herbs. Mix the herbs into the porridge to distribute the flavors. Serve.


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