Dinner: Cantonese white cut chicken, 蒸白切雞

All videos come with english captions. Please click the CC Button to activate english subtitles. 所有视频都寫上有英文說明字幕, 請按 CC 鈕掣 Please add me as your friend on facebook: www.facebook.com/wantanmien 請加我成為您的朋友在 facebook 上: www.facebook.com/wantanmien You can find more recipes and information on my website: www.wantanmien.com 請去我綱頁: www.wantanmien.com 你會找到很多不同的食譜和大家分享 Chinese and english recipe/ instructions below: 材料: 1. 一 只光雞 大約 1, 210 克 = 42. 7 oz 2. 一些薑 3. 三條青蔥 4. 一些鹽 5. 六 茶匙紹興酒 面攃: 少許麻油 裝飾: 少些青蔥絲 汁 1. 薑蔥汁 1. 2 湯匙油 2. 1 茶匙薑茸 3. .1/4 茶匙糖 4. 1/3 茶匙鹽 5. 少許胡椒粉 6. 一些青蔥粒 汁 2.. 1. 2 茶匙蠔油 2. 半茶匙生抽 3. 1 荼匙凍滾水 備大約: 今天的雞 1, 210 克 = 42.7 oz, 蒸 40 分 1, 270 克 = 44. 8 oz, 蒸 47 分, 1, 300 克 = 45. 9 oz , 蒸 50 分, 大家爐火不同請留意 Ingredients: 1. 1, 210 grams chicken = 42.7 oz 2. some ginger 3. 3 green onion 4. some salt 5. 6 tsp Shao xing wine Topping: some sesame oil some slices spring onion Sauce 1. 1. 2 tbsp oil 2. 1 tsp ground ginger 3. 1/4 tsp sugar 4. 1/3 tsp salt 5. pinch of pepper 6. some green onion Sauce 2. 1. 2 tsp oyster sauce 2. 1/2 tsp light soy sauce 3. 1 tsp cold water Tip for steaming time: Today I use 1, 210 gram = 42. 7 oz around 40 mins 1, 270 gram = 44. 8 oz around 47 mins 1, 300 gram = 45. 9 oz around 50 mins steaming time may vary depending on the heat


See video for ingredients


See video for instructions


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