Dessert: Mojito Cheesecakes

ONE POT CHEF COOKBOOKS ON iTUNES BOOKSTORE: Mojito Cheesecakes are a cool, refreshing dessert, suitable for dinner parties or summer celebrations. Cream cheese is combined with condensed milk, lime juice and zest, fresh mint and tequila. Layered in cocktail glasses with a cookie crumb base, this fabulous cocktail-inspired dessert will impress everyone - give it a go! ONE POT CHEF COOKBOOKS - PAPERBACKS AND EBOOKS: =============== INGREDIENT LIST: =============== 125g of Plain Sweet Cookies (crushed) 50g of Unsalted Butter (melted) 500g Cream Cheese 400g Can of Sweetened Condensed Milk Juice and Zest of 1 Lime (plus extra zest for garnish) 2 Tablespoons of Freshly Chopped Mint (plus extra mint leaves for garnish) 50ml of Tequila, White Rum or Vodka NOTE: For a non-alcoholic version, replace the liquor with 2 Tablespoons of Pineapple Juice ;) All measurements and temperatures are in Australian Metric. For a free conversion chart, visit my Facebook Page (link below) ONE POT CHEF POSTAL ADDRESS: One Pot Chef Show PO Box 4338 Bay Village NSW 2261 Australia MY SECOND CHANNEL: PLEASE SUBSCRIBE! FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER LIKE ME ON FACEBOOK More cooking videos at: Music Track: "Bright Wish" by Kevin MacLeod Royalty Free Music - Used with Permission under Creative Commons license.

This recipe includes fertility superfoods such as:


Health and fertility benefits of Mojito Cheesecakes

Pineapples are loaded with vitamins and minerals including vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium.


See video for ingredients


See video for instructions


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