Lunch: Jalapeno Popper Mug Cake


2 tbsp. Almond Flour
1 tbsp. Golden Flaxseed Meal
1 tbsp. Butter
1 tbsp. Cream Cheese
1 large Egg
1 slice Bacon, cooked
1/2 medium Jalapeno Pepper
1/2 tsp. Baking Powder
1/4 tsp. Salt


1. In a pan over medium heat, cook the sliced bacon until crisp.
2. Once bacon is crisp, remove from the pan and set aside.
3. In a container or a mug, mix together all of the ingredients. I like to add the bacon fat to this, but that will add extra fat macros – so make sure it fits into your macros. I find that it helps bring the bacon taste out more.
4. Clean off the sides of the container so that there is no excess batter running up the sides.
5. Microwave for 75 seconds on high (power level 10).
6. Lightly slam cup against plate to take the mug cake out. Garnish with extra jalapeno and serve.


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