Dinner: Turkey and Beef Chili

Hearty, warming chili with ground turkey and lean ground beef.

Prep Time: 15 mins

Cook Time: 180 mins

Total Time: 195 mins


2 tbsps chili powder
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp red pepper
1 tsp seasoning salt
16 oz ground turkey
2 large onions
14 1/2 oz diced tomato
10 oz tomatoes with green chilies
6 oz tomato paste
8 oz tomato sauce
12 fl oz light beer
2 cups water
15 1/2 oz red beans chili
16 oz lean ground beef


1. Season meat. Brown ground turkey and beef, then add chopped onion and chili powder. Cook until onions are clear.

2. Add all canned items, water and beer.

3. Simmer for 3 or 4 hours.

4. Garnish with cheese and red onions (optional).


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