Dinner: Low-Carb Meat Sauce Recipe

How to Make Low-Carb Meat Sauce 低糖質ミートソースの作り方 We would appreciate it if you could add subtitles for this video! http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_video?v=_fJpFA8vYTQ Thank you for your support! (serves 3~4) 150g Lean Ground Beef (5.3 oz) Salt Pepper ½ Frozen Firm Tofu (200g/7.1 oz) 120g Onion (4.2 oz) 60g Carrot (2.1 oz) 40g Celery (1.4 oz) * the vegetables are cut into 5mm pieces. 1 Garlic Clove, chopped ⅔ tsp Salt 100g Button Mushrooms or substitute: shiitake, shimeji or enoki mushrooms (3.5 oz) 2 tbsp Olive Oil 100ml Red Wine (3.4 fl oz) 295g Tomato Sauce, packaged (10.4 oz) You might also enjoy ... Tonpeiyaki https://youtu.be/XnL0rD57JIE Shrimp Avocado Salad https://youtu.be/kw_jK472Y2k http://youtube.com/cookingwithdog http://facebook.com/cookingwithdog http://google.com/ cookingwithdog http://twitter.com/cookingwithdog http://vine.co/cookingwithdog ※字幕を表示するには動画下部にある [設定] アイコンをクリックして下さい♪ <材料>3〜4人分 牛ひき肉(赤身):150g 塩 こしょう 冷凍木綿豆腐:1/2丁(200g) 玉ねぎ120g野菜は5㎜角 人参60g セロリ40g にんにく(みじん切り):ひとかけ分 塩小さじ2/3 マッシュルーム:100g/しいたけ(しめじえのきだけでも良い) オリーブ油:大さじ2 赤ワイン100ml トマトソース(市販)1缶(295g)


See video for ingredients


See video for instructions


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