Snack: Waves-of-Fun Cookie

Just what the kids' swimming party needs--a cookie treat with waves of fun!


3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup butter or margarine, softened
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1 egg
1 2/3 cups Gold Medal™ all-purpose flour
1 container (12 oz) Betty Crocker™ Whipped fluffy white frosting
1 tube (0.68 oz) Betty Crocker™ blue decorating gel
1 piece red pull-apart licorice
1 Betty Crocker™ Fruit by the Foot™ fruit snack roll (from 4.5-oz package)
About 4 gummy rings candy
About 2 sticks striped gum
2 creme-filled wafer cookies
8 teddy bear-shaped graham snacks
About 4 small gum balls, if desired
Gummy sharks or fish candy, if desired


Heat oven to 375 ºF. In large bowl, beat sugar, butter, vanilla and egg with spoon until smooth. Stir in flour. Pat dough in ungreased 12-inch pizza pan.
Bake 8 to 10 minutes or until set and edge is light golden brown. Cool completely in pan on wire rack, about 45 minutes.
Spread frosting on cookie. Squeeze decorating gel randomly in about 16 spots on frosting. Pull fork through gel to make wave designs. Place licorice on waves for "rope." Cut fruit roll into triangles; place by licorice for "flags." Place gummy rings candy on waves for inner tubes. Roll up end of gum sticks for "inflatable floats;" place on waves. Place cookies on waves for "rafts." Add graham snacks for "people." Add gum balls for "beach balls." Add gummy sharks candy.


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