Dessert: Birthday Cake Fudge

Recipe by Candace Braun Davison Who needs cupcakes when you can have Funfetti-topped fudge for your birthday instead?


1 14 oz. can sweetened condensed milk
1/2 c. yellow or Funfetti cake mix
2 c. white chocolate chips
rainbow sprinkles


Pour sweetened condensed milk and cake mix into a large bowl, stirring to combine. Add white chocolate chips, then microwave in 1-minute intervals, stirring in between, until fully melted. Fold in sprinkles, being careful not to stir too much (or the sprinkles’ coloring will melt into the fudge, creating a grayish tint).
Pour mixture into an aluminum foil-lined 8 ”x 8 ” baking dish (the foil will make it easier to pull out later). Top with additional sprinkles.
Refrigerate for at least 2 hours, or until set. Cut into 1 ” bars and serve.


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