Breakfast: Overnight Oats Blueberry Smoothie Bowl

Recipe by barbara I combined overnight oats with blueberries, banana, and almond vanilla milk and turned it into a yummy blueberry smoothie bowl! Top with whatever seeds, nuts or berries you enjoy!


1 cup rolled oats
1 1/4 cups unsweetened vanilla-flavored almond milk, divided
1 frozen banana, chopped
1 cup blueberries
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon maple syrup, or to taste


Combine oats and 2/3 cup almond milk in a bowl; refrigerate until oats have absorbed the liquid, 8 hours to overnight.
Combine oats-almond milk mixture, remaining almond milk, banana, 1 cup blueberries, vanilla extract, and maple syrup in a blender; blend until smooth.
Pour smoothie into 2 bowls and top with coconut, 1 tablespoon blueberries, and chia seeds.


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