Lunch: Grandmother Paul's Fried Chicken

Everyone's favorite classic Southern dish: fried chicken.


peanut oil, for frying
1 2 1/2 pound chicken, cut into pieces
1 teaspoon black pepper, plus more for seasoning chicken
2 cup self-rising flour
1/3 cup water
3 eggs


Tip from Paula: My Grandmother Paul always said to season chicken and return it to the refrigerator and let it sit as long as time permits, at least 2 to 3 hours. And always use small chickens.
Beat eggs with water. Add black pepper to self-rising flour. Dip seasoned chicken in egg; coat well in flour mixture. Fry in moderately hot shortening, 350 °F, in a cast iron skillet. Place lid on top of skillet and fry until brown and crisp. Remember that dark meat requires longer cooking time (about 13 to 14 minutes, compared to 8 to 10 minutes for white meat.)


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