Breakfast: Chorizo and Potato Egg Custard with New Mexican Chile Sauce

This custard makes a perfect one-dish brunch, lunch, or supper, especially when paired with a green salad.Active time: 40 min Start to finish: 1 1/2 hr


1/2 oz dried New Mexican chiles (2 to 3)
2 garlic cloves, left unpeeled
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
1 (14- to 15-oz) can stewed tomatoes including juice
3/4 teaspoon salt


Heat a dry heavy skillet (preferably cast-iron) over moderate heat until hot, then toast chiles, pressing down with tongs and turning occasionally, about 1 minute. Transfer to a bowl. Toast garlic in skillet, turning occasionally, until softened and slightly charred, about 5 minutes, then transfer to bowl. Toast cumin in skillet, stirring, until fragrant and a few shades darker, about 30 seconds, then transfer to a blender along with tomatoes and salt. Discard stems and seeds from chiles and add to blender. Peel garlic and add to blender. Purée until smooth.


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