Dinner: Au Gratin Potatoes

Savory, salty, and great with steamed broccoli.

Prep Time: 30 mins

Cook Time: 30 mins

Total Time: 60 mins


1/4 cup real bacon bits
1/4 cup Italian seasoned bread crumbs
2 cups heavy cream
3 oz gruyere cheese
2 tbsps shredded parmesan cheese
1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
1 tsp leaves dried thyme
2 leeks
2 1/2 lbs red potatoes


1. Thinly slice potatoes.

2. In a large, deep dish pan, heat cream and spices over medium heat. Add potatoes, and move frequently for 10-12 minutes, until potatoes begin to soften.

3. Add bacon.

4. Sauté leeks in separate pan.

5. Layer 1/2 potatoes, leeks, and cheese. Repeat, then top with seasoned bread crumbs.

6. Bake at 400 °F (205 °C) for 20 minutes. Let rest for 10 minutes.

7. Serve with steamed veggies.


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