Lunch: Bavarian Style Meatballs

Recipe by teri denlinger These are very good, and very easy; the meatballs are made in cooked in a slow cooker. I sometimes like to add a can of chunk pineapple when I make them, and then I substitute pineapple juice for the water.


12 fluid ounces tomato-based chili sauce
1 (16 ounce) can whole cranberry sauce
27 ounces Bavarian-style sauerkraut, undrained
1 cup water
1 cup packed brown sugar
1 (16 ounce) package frozen meatballs


In a medium size mixing bowl, combine chili sauce, cranberry sauce, sauerkraut, water, and brown sugar. Mix well. Pour sauce and meatballs in a slow cooker, stir.
Cook, covered, at a medium temperature for 4 hours. Stir occasionally to coat meatballs.


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