Lunch: Grilled Cheesy Corn Recipe | Myrecipes

Chili powder, smoked paprika, and lime wedges give grilled corn a Southwestern touch. Brush with melted butter and cheese to complete this dish.


Ears of fresh corn
Melted butter
Chili powder
Smoked paprika
Grated Cotija or Parmesan cheese
Fresh lime wedges


Preheat grill to 350 ° to 400 ° (medium-high) heat. Pull back husks from ears of fresh corn; remove and discard silks. Tie husks together with kitchen string to form a handle. Soak in cold salted water to cover 10 minutes; drain. Grill corn, covered with grill lid, 15 minutes or until golden brown, turning occasionally. Remove from grill. Brush corn with melted butter; sprinkle with salt, chili powder, smoked paprika, and grated Cotija or Parmesan cheese. Serve with fresh lime wedges.


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