Lunch: Classic American Burgers

Morningstar Farms® Grillers Prime® Veggie Burgers give this dish so much burger flavor, it's a hit from coast to coast.


2 Morningstar Farms® Grillers Prime® Veggie Burgers
2 slice reduced-fat Cheddar, mozzarella, or Swiss cheese
2 leaves lettuce
2 Hamburger buns
6 slice dill pickles
2 slice tomato
1 thin slice red onion


Cook Morningstar Farms® Grillers Prime® Veggie Burgers according to package directions. Immediately, top each burger with one slice of cheese, if desired. Let stand for 1 minute to allow cheese to melt.
Place one lettuce leaf on each bun bottom. Top with burgers, pickles, tomato slices, onion rings, and bun tops. Serve with ketchup and mustard, if desired. On The Grill: Preheat grill. Use a food thermometer to be sure patties reach minimum internal temperature of 160 degrees F. This recipe has been tested and endorsed by Kellogg and Morningstar Farms®.


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