Lunch: Upside-Down Pear Tartlets

By using frozen puff pastry, we've taken much of the work out of these impressive-looking, dinner-party-appropriate pear tartlets.


1 3/4 lb. D’Anjou pears
4 tbsp. butter
1 c. sugar
1 sheet puff pastry


Heat oven to 400 degrees F. Peel, core, and cut the pears into 1/2 inch wedges. Melt half the butter in a skillet. Add pears and cook over medium-high heat until juices release and begin to turn golden on edges. Drain juices and reserve the pears.
Place sugar in a large skillet over high heat until sugar melts, bubbles, and turns amber. Add remaining 2 tablespoons butter and pears, being careful as the caramel will sputter. Turn to coat pears using a heatproof rubber spatula. Remove pan from heat and spoon pear slices into the cups of a jumbo muffin tin (3/4-cup capacity). Arrange to form a 1-inch layer.
Cut the pastry (it should be about 1/8-inch thick) into six 2 1/2-inch rounds. Discard or reserve scraps for another use. Top the pears in each muffin cup with a piece of puff pastry and bake until pastry puffs and is golden brown — about 25 minutes. Cool on wire rack.
Run a spoon around the edges of each tartlet. Remove and serve pear side up. Serve warm.


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