Dinner: Alamo Turkey Patties

Grilled turkey burgers with a Southwestern flavor.


2 tbsp taco seasoning
1 large egg
4 cups shredded or chopped lettuce
1 cup salsa
20 oz ground turkey
1 avocado, chopped
1/4 cup bread crumbs


1. Prepare the grill.

2. Mix in a bowl the ground turkey, slightly-beaten egg, bread crumbs, taco seasoning, 1/4 cup of the salsa.

3. Shape into four patties.

4. Grill patties until they are no longer pink on the inside, turning as necessary.

5. While the patties are grilling, mix the remainder of the salsa with the avocado.

6. When the patties are done, place one cup of the lettuce on each plate, place a patty on top of the lettuce and top each patty with the salsa-avocado sauce.


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