Dinner: Cottage Cheese Loaf

A common Seventh Day Adventist recipe.


1 lb cottage cheese
1 1/4 cups egg substitute
1/2 cup melted butter
4 cubes vegetable broth
6 cups cereal
12 oz olives chopped
3 stalks large celery
1 medium onion


1. Combine in a large bowl, egg substitute, cottage cheese, chopped olives, broth, onion, celery, cereal (like Total), butter and stir well.

2. Grease a 9x13" pan put ingredients in pan and bake for 1 to 1.5 hours @ 350 °F (175 °C). Let stand 15 minutes to settle and cool.

3. Optional to add some low fat mozzarella shredded cheese while cooling or low fat cheddar.

4. Note: sometimes I use the Whole Wheat Total or another higher fiber cereal. You can add other spices like garlic, basil, etc and play with this recipe.


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