Lunch: Mushroom, Ramp, and Spinach Tart

Stephanie from the blog Adventures in Shaw won the 2008 Marx Foods Mushroom Recipe Contest grand prize for this sophisticated vegetarian tart.

This recipe includes fertility superfoods such as:


Health and fertility benefits of Mushroom, Ramp, and Spinach Tart

Fresh spinach is an excellent source of vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin B6, all of which have significant roles in reducing inflammation in the body, all of which help in the case of infertility.


1 bunch ramps
1 package portobello mushrooms
2 clove garlic
3 c. spinach
1/4 c. fig-infused vinegar
1/4 c. port
salt and pepper
2 c. grated Gruyere cheese (*depends on your level of cheese love)
9 sheets phyllo dough
olive oil


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
Chop off the ends of the ramps and dice the remaining stalk, including the leaves. Turn to the mushrooms, chop them up and set aside. Place a little olive oil in a saucepan on medium heat and sauté the ramps, mushrooms and garlic for about five minutes or until the ramps have wilted a bit.
Throw in the spinach and continue cooking until the spinach has wilted. Lower the heat a bit and add the vinegar and the port, cooking until both liquids have reduced. Add the salt and pepper to taste and remove the mixture from the heat.
While the ramp mixture cools, turn to the phyllo dough. Place a large sheet of parchment paper on a clean surface. Carefully place one sheet on the parchment paper and with a light hand, brush it with the olive oil. Place a second sheet on top of the oiled sheet (again using a light touch) and brush it with olive oil. Repeat with the third sheet. Place a line of the cheese along one of the long ends of the phyllo dough and then spoon some of the ramp mixture on top of the cheese.
Now it’s time to roll the dough (I stopped and prepared myself before continuing… how could I let dough intimidate me?). Fold in the short ends of the dough to about a 1/2 inch (thanks for the rolling tips Kevin!) and then carefully start rolling the dough lengthwise. Place the tart seam side down on a baking sheet and continue the process for the remaining pieces of phyllo dough (this recipe makes three long tarts). Bake the tarts for 10-15 minutes, or until the sheets are golden brown. Allow to cool and then cut each tart into 3 or 4 equal parts (it depends on how big you want each individual tart to be).


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