Lunch: Crustless Bacon Quiche

Pair this delicious quiche with a fresh fruit salad for a simple yet substantial brunch.


5 green onions
1 tomato
12 slice Oscar Mayer® Bacon
1 c. sliced fresh mushrooms
12 eggs
1/3 c. light sour cream
1 c. shredded Cheddar cheese
1 c. shredded mozzarella cheese


Heat oven to 325 degrees F. Reserve 2 tablespoon each onions and tomatoes. Cook bacon in large skillet until crisp. Remove bacon from skillet, reserving 1 tablespoon drippings in skillet. Drain bacon on paper towels. Add mushrooms to reserved drippings; cook and stir 2 minutes or until tender. Remove from heat. Crumble bacon. Add to skillet with remaining onions and tomatoes; mix well.
Beat eggs and sour cream with whisk until well blended. Pour into greased 13 x 9-inch baking dish; top with bacon mixture and cheeses.
Bake 30 minutes or until center is set. Top with reserved onions and tomatoes. Let stand 5 minutes before cutting to serve. Each serving provides: 2%DV Vitamin A, 2%DV Vitamin C, 30% DV Calcium, and 6%DV Iron.


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