Snack: Raspberry Linzer Torte Bars


Sugar Cookie Dough
Vegetable oil cooking spray
6 tablespoons raspberry preserves
2 tablespoons sliced almonds


Heat oven to 350 °F. Coat a 9" x 13" pan with cooking spray. Cut dough in half; roll out 1 half into a 9-by-13-inch rectangle; press into bottom of pan. Spread preserves over dough; sprinkle with almonds. Roll out remaining dough into a 4 1/2-by-6 1/2-inch rectangle. Cut dough into 1/2-inch strips with a fluted pastry cutter. Crisscross strips over raspberry-almond layer in a lattice pattern. Bake until strips are light brown and firm, 18 to 20 minutes; cool 5 minutes. Cut into 1-to 1 1/2-inch bars.


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