Lunch: Dulce de Leche Banana Cream Pie Recipe | Myrecipes

Layer bananas into this delectable cream pie featuring only five ingredients. To make the dulce de leche, you simply cook sweetened condensed milk over simmering water until it's golden brown.


2 (14 oz.) cans sweetened condensed milk
1 store-bought 9-inch pie crust
3 medium bananas (21 oz. total, with skin on)
1 cup heavy cream
3 tablespoons sour cream


Pour condensed milk into a large, heatproof bowl and set over a pot of simmering water to make dulce de leche. Cook, checking water level and adding water as necessary. Stir milk occasionally and cook until it is very thick and golden brown, about 2 1/2 hours.
Bake crust according to package directions. Cool on a wire rack.
Slice 2 bananas. Spread half of warm dulce de leche in crust; top with sliced bananas. Spread remaining dulce de leche over bananas. Chill until cold, at least 2 hours.
Just before serving, combine heavy cream and sour cream in a bowl. Whip, using a mixer on high speed, until soft peaks form. Spread over pie. Slice remaining banana and use to garnish pie. Cut pie into wedges and serve.


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