Lunch: Assemble-Your-Own Barbecue Stacks Recipe | Myrecipes

Inspired by a recipe from Teresa Todd of Dickson, Tennessee, we came up with this version. Expand toppings to include pickled okra or sliced jalapeño peppers.


2 pounds warm shredded barbecued chicken without sauce*
1/3 cup red barbecue sauce
Cornbread Griddle Cakes
Red barbecue sauce to taste
30 plum tomato slices (about 5 tomatoes)
White Barbecue Sauce Slaw
1 cup White Barbecue Sauce
Toppings: red onion slices, cracked pepper


Toss chicken in 1/3 cup red barbecue sauce.
Spoon barbecued chicken mixture evenly onto Cornbread Griddle Cakes. Drizzle each with red barbecue sauce to taste. Top each with 1 tomato slice. Spoon White Barbecue Sauce Slaw onto each tomato slice. Serve with White Barbecue Sauce and desired toppings.
*2 lb. shredded barbecued beef or pork without sauce may be substituted.
Note: For testing purposes only, we used Stubb's Original Bar-B-Q Sauce.


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