Lunch: Egg, Baby Asparagus, Corn and Shimeji Mushroom Fried Rice


3 large free-range or organic eggs, lightly beaten
1 pinch sea salt
1 pinch ground white pepper
1 tablespoon peanut or vegetable oil


red chile, deseeded and finely choppedFor the eggs: Lightly beat the eggs in a bowl and sprinkle with the salt and pepper. Heat a wok over medium heat and add the peanut oil. Pour in the beaten eggs and stir to lightly scramble until the eggs have turned golden and are still fluffy. Take off the heat and set aside. For the fried rice: Reheat the wok over high heat until smoke starts to rise, and then add the peanut oil. Add the garlic and stir quickly for a few seconds, then stir in the asparagus and corn and cook until the asparagus starts to turn a deeper green and the corn starts to turn golden yellow, 2 minutes. Add the mushrooms and toss together. Stir in the rice and toss to combine for 1 to 2 minutes. Season with the soy sauce, stir and mix well. Return the eggs to the wok, season with the sesame oil and pepper and give it a few more stirs. Transfer to a large serving plate and garnish with chiles. Serve immediately.


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