Lunch: Rocky Road Cones

Take your basic scoop to the next level by rolling frozen balls of chocolate ice cream in an irresistible mix of chopped chocolate candy bars, toasted walnuts and mini-marshmallows.

This recipe includes fertility superfoods such as:

Nuts, Walnuts

Health and fertility benefits of Rocky Road Cones

Nuts are a natural source of Inositol, a derivative of Vitamin B (which is often prescribed in the form of supplements for women with PCOS). Inositol can effectively control the symptoms of PCOS by reducing insulin resistance and improving insulin sensitivity. Walnuts are low on the glycemic index. What’s more, they also lower the glycemic index of other foods that you eat in conjunction with these nuts. Any kind of nuts provide a healthy source of fat and a great way to encourage PCOS weight loss.


1 pt. chocolate ice cream
3 milk-chocolate candy bars (1.55 oz each)
1/2 c. walnuts
1/2 c. miniature marshmallows
5 wafer ice cream cups


Line 2 baking sheets with foil. Using an ice cream scoop, drop 5 balls ice cream onto 1 baking sheet (see Note). Freeze until firm.
Mix chocolate, walnuts and marshmallows in a medium bowl until well blended. One at a time, add each ball of ice cream, pressing and rolling until completely covered. Place on the other baking sheet. Freeze 2 hours until hard and serve, or wrap airtight and freeze up to 2 weeks.
To serve: Put a scoop in each cone.


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