Lunch: Tomato and Cucumber Sandwiches with Herbed Feta Butter

Recipe by Susan Quick Recipe courtesy of Susan Quick. For unexpected flair and flavor, make this classic tea sandwich with herbed feta butter.


1/2 small red onion
4 oz. (reduced-fat) Neufchâtel cream cheese
4 tbsp. butter
1/3 c. crumbled feta cheese
2 tbsp. minced fresh mint leaves
2 tbsp. minced fresh chives
16 slice very thin white or wheat bread
2 very ripe plum tomatoes
1/2 medium English (seedless) cucumber
Salt to taste
1 c. radish, garlic, or other spicy sprouts


Rinse onion slices beneath cold running water for 30 seconds (to remove sharp onion flavor); drain, pat dry with paper towels, and set aside.
Combine cream cheese, butter, feta, mint, and chives in a bowl; set aside.
Using a 2 1/2-inch round biscuit cutter, cut bread slices into rounds. Spread cheese mixture on bread rounds. Place chopped tomatoes on 8 bread rounds. Arrange 2 to 3 overlapping cucumber slices on remaining bread rounds. Sprinkle with salt. Top sandwiches with a small amount of sliced onion and sprouts. Arrange on serving platter.


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