Lunch: Chopped Liver

Recipe by Ruth Joseph and Simon Round FleishigOur Friday night chopped liver was not just the start of another memorable meal but was also part of the Sabbath celebration. My late mother gave the preparation as much importance or respect as the main cour


5 organic free-range eggs
1 lb chicken livers, trimmed (remove any green spots carefully)
2 large onions, sliced
1 tablespoon olive oil (or 1 tablespoon schmaltz, see below)
a few gribenes (optional), see below
1/2 cup fresh flat-leaf parsley, finely chopped
2 tablespoons Kiddush wine, brandy or chicken stock
salt and freshly ground black pepper
a little paprika, to garnish


Hard-boil the eggs for 10 minutes, drain, and set aside to cool. In a large frying pan, gently cook the onions in the oil (or schmaltz) until soft and golden. Increase the heat, add the livers, and stir for a few seconds so that they absorb the flavor of the onion. Either pour the mixture into a food processor and process to a coarse or smooth paste with the gribenes (if using), or pass the mixture through an old-fashioned grinder. Scoop into a bowl. Grate the eggs on the coarse side of a grater and add to the bowl, reserving a little of the grated egg for the garnish. Stir in the parsley and fold in gently. Moisten the mixture with some wine, brandy, or chicken stock, and season to taste with salt and pepper. Cover with plastic wrap and chill until needed. Serve in scoops on individual plates topped with a little grated egg and paprika for color, and generous pieces of fresh Friday-night challah.


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