Lunch: Beer Americano

Recipe by Marisa Huff When the Italian fashion brand Trussardi opened their sprawling flagship store across from La Scala, Milan’s historic opera house, they strategically included a ground-floor café to revitalize weary shoppers. As any serious fashioni


1 1/2 ounces Campari
1 1/2 ounces sweet vermouth, preferably Carpano Antica Formula
3 ounces lager
Orange zest, for garnish


Combine the Campari, vermouth, and 6 ice cubes in a tall tumbler or Burgundy wineglass. Stir with a bar spoon to chill. Pour the lager into a separate glass and whip the beer into a foam using an Aerolatteor immersion blender. Top the cocktail with beer foam and finish with orange zest.


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