Dessert: Hibiscus Pavlova with Lemon-Hibiscus Cream

Recipe by Rhoda Boone Hibiscus tea has a gorgeous magenta hue and sweet-tart cranberry flavor. This pavlova uses the tea two ways: finely ground to infuse and tint light-as-air meringues and also brewed, reduced, and combined with lemon curd to create a


1/2 cup plus 2 teaspoons superfine sugar, divided
2 teaspoons cornstarch
1/8 teaspoon fine sea salt
6 tablespoons dried hibiscus flowers (available at natural food stores, Latin or Middle Eastern markets, or online) or 7 hibiscus tea bags
3 large egg whites, room temperature
1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar or 3/4 teaspoon distilled white vinegar


Preheat oven to 250 °F. Line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper. In a small bowl, whisk together 2 tsp. superfine sugar, cornstarch, and salt, breaking up any lumps; set aside.
Grind flowers or tea leaves (cut open bags, remove tea, and discard bags) in a spice mill or food processor until very finely ground; set aside.
Using an electric mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, beat egg whites and cream of tartar or vinegar on medium-high speed until the mixture transforms from frothy soapsuds to soft, opaque peaks, about 3 minutes. You should see tracks from the whisk on the surface of the whites.
Add the remaining 1/2 cup sugar slowly, 1 tablespoon at a time, beating to incorporate fully before adding the next spoonful, 5 –8 minutes total. Continue to beat on medium-high speed until stiff, glossy peaks form, about 2 minutes more. Test to see if sugar is fully dissolved by rubbing a small amount between your fingertips. If it still feels gritty, keep beating until dissolved.
Sprinkle the sugar, cornstarch, and salt mixture over egg whites and fold in gently with a spatula. Using a fine-mesh strainer, sift 1 Tbsp. reserved ground tea over mixture and fold in gently. Reserve remaining ground tea.
Using a large spoon, divide meringue into 6 even mounds on the prepared baking sheet. Using the back of the spoon, make a small well in the center of each meringue. Lightly dust 1 tsp. reserved ground tea with fine-mesh strainer over meringues. Reserve remaining ground tea.
Bake, rotating halfway through cooking time, until outsides are dry and a very pale cream color, 65 –70 minutes. Turn oven off and leave door slightly ajar with meringues inside, letting them cool completely, at least 2 hours or up to overnight.


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