Breakfast: Chicharrones con Huevos


4 slices Bacon
5 large Eggs
1.5 oz. Pork Rinds
1 medium Tomato
1 medium Avocado
2 medium Jalapeno Peppers, de-seeded
1/4 medium Onion
1/4 cup Cilantro, chopped
Salt and Pepper to Taste


1. Dice all of your vegetables to prep for the rest of the recipe. That’s 1 tomato, 2 jalapeno peppers (de-seeded), and 1/4 medium onion.
2. Start by frying the 4 slices of bacon in a pan. Once they’re done, remove them and place on paper towels for later. Make sure you keep as much fat in the pan as possible.
3. “Fry” 1.5 oz. pork rinds in the bacon fat. Make sure all of the pork rinds are coated properly.
4. Once the pork rinds are as crispy as you want them, add the vegetables to the pan. Mix everything together and season as needed.
5. Once the onions are almost translucent, add 1/4 cup chopped cilantro to the pan. Mix everything together.
6. Add 5 large eggs to the pan, pre-scrambled, and mix everything together. Season as needed.
7. Let this cook like an omelette, and when ready, mix once to let the uncooked egg go to the bottom of the pan.
8. Cube an avocado just before serving and fold into the mixture.
9. Serve up some delicious food!


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