Lunch: Mediterranean Puff Pastry Chicken

Recipe by Rose Chicken marinated in garlic, layered with sun-dried tomatoes, pesto, spinach, and feta cheese, and wrapped in flaky puff pastry. Delicious! I cook a lot and often look for other recipes, so I decided to try my own simple dish. It was a hit

This recipe includes fertility superfoods such as:

Chicken Breast, Spinach, Basil

Health and fertility benefits of Mediterranean Puff Pastry Chicken

Skinless chicken breast is an excellent source of the protein, as its contains 21 grams of protein for every 100 grams of breast. Additionally, chicken contains ample amounts of vitamin B6, which serves a vital function in helping to reduce the stressors that cause PCOS. Vitamin B6 help keeps your hormones at balanced levels, which is very helpful for those seeking to stem the flow of excessive testosterone and androgen Fresh spinach is an excellent source of vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin B6, all of which have significant roles in reducing inflammation in the body, all of which help in the case of infertility. Basil is an excellent stress reliever, and has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits.


3 tablespoons crushed garlic
1 egg yolk
2 cups chopped fresh spinach
2 boneless skinless chicken breast halves
2 tablespoons basil pesto
1/3 cup chopped sun-dried tomatoes
1/4 cup crumbled herbed feta cheese
1 frozen puff pastry sheet, thawed, cut in half


In a small bowl, use a fork to combine crushed garlic and egg yolk. Place chicken breasts in a shallow glass dish and spread both sides with egg mixture. Cover dish with plastic wrap and refrigerate 4 hours, or overnight (recommended).
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Grease a baking sheet.
Place one half of the puff pastry sheet on a lightly floured board. Place 1/2 cup spinach in the center of the pastry sheet. Remove one chicken breast from marinade, shaking off any excess, and place on top of spinach. Spread 1 tablespoon pesto over chicken, layer with half the sun-dried tomatoes, sprinkle with half the feta cheese, and top with 1/2 cup spinach. Fold pastry sheet around chicken, using fingers or fork to seal pastry seam. Place chicken seam side down on baking sheet. Repeat steps with the second half of the puff pastry sheet and remaining chicken breast.
Bake 35 to 40 minutes. Test for doneness by cutting through center of chicken breast; if juices run clear, chicken is cooked.


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