Lunch: Country Boy on the Rocks Recipe | MyRecipes

Made with strong tea that's typically steeped on the dock in the morning sun (however you can also brew the tea as you normally would), this refreshing elixir is dangerously easy to sip, and can be made with your favorite bourbon. We used Maker's Mark. Be

This recipe includes fertility superfoods such as:


Health and fertility benefits of Country Boy on the Rocks Recipe | MyRecipes

Lemons can help to prevent oxidative damage to the body, which women with PCOS are often susceptible to.


32 ounces (1 qt.) unsweetened brewed black tea (such as Luzianne or Lipton)
32 ounces (1 qt.) lemonade
20 ounces (2 1/2 cups) bourbon
1 bunch (or 1 [4-oz.] pkg.) fresh mint sprigs
2 lemons, sliced into rounds


Stir together tea and lemonade in a pitcher, and chill until very cold, about 1 hour. To assemble each drink, fill a 16-ounce glass two-thirds full with ice. Add 2 ounces bourbon, and fill glass with tea mixture. Place 3 or 4 fresh mint leaves and 2 or 3 lemon slices in a cocktail shaker. Pour contents of glass into shaker; cover and shake vigorously for 10 seconds. Pour cocktail into same glass. Repeat process to make 9 cocktails.


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