Lunch: Beef, Potato & Red Onion Kebabs

Recipe by Kate Merker Par-cooking the new potatoes ahead of time is key for making these kebabs a success—it'll ensure they're just the right texture when they come off the grill.


8 small new potatoes (about 12 oz)
Kosher salt and pepper
1 1/2 lb. sirloin steak
1 medium red onion
2 tbsp. olive oil


Cook the potatoes in boiling salted water until just tender, 10 to 12 minutes. Drain, run under cold water to cool and cut in half.
Heat grill to medium-high. In a large bowl, toss the potatoes, steak, onion, oil and 1/2 tsp each salt and pepper and thread onto skewers. Grill, turning occasionally, until the steak reaches the desired doneness, 8 to 10 minutes for medium-rare.


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