Lunch: Chicken Avocado Casserole

This recipe includes fertility superfoods such as:


Health and fertility benefits of Chicken Avocado Casserole

Avocados are anti-inflammatory in nature, as they contain omega-3 fatty acids which have been proven to reduce inflammation within the body. Those seeking to sop up more oil-based nutrients will want eat avocado, as they help with their absorption. Vitamins A, D, E, and K all fall into this category, and with each also playing a role in reducing inflammation, ensuring that they get absorbed into your body efficiently will aid you in repairing the damage done by the excess insulin that flows through your veins.


8 Boneless Chicken Thighs, cooked

4 Small Avocados

1 Medium Onion

1 Medium Pepper

8 Oz. Sour Cream

8 Oz. Cheddar Cheese

1 Tbsp Frank's Red Hot

Salt and Pepper to taste


1.Preheat oven to 350 F

2.Start by cooking the chicken thighs, for this recipe I had them already cooked, but just bake at 350 for 1.5 hours covered with some water or cube and pan fry until juices are clear

3.Peel avocados, cut in half, and slice into thin strips

4.Grease a baking dish and line the bottom with avocado slices, reserve any extra

5.Cut the peppers and onions into strips and pan fry until caramelized

6.Add the chicken into a large bowl and flake apart

7.Add remaining ingredients, including any extra avocado, and mix

8.Spoon mixture over the avocado slices

9.Bake for 20 minutes


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