Lunch: Fried Chicken Salad


1 lb. chicken tenders
1 pkt (from a 5.5-oz box) seasoned coating mix for crispy chicken nuggets
2 tsp. oil
8 slice refrigerated ready-to-serve fully cooked bacon
8 c. baby salad greens (mesclun)
1 pt cherry or grape tomatoes
1/2 c. reduced-fat ranch dressing
3 tbsp. snipped chives or sliced scallions


Rinse tenders with water. Place 3 at a time into bag with coating mix. Shake until chicken is evenly coated.
Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet. Add tenders and cook over medium-high heat about 2 minutes per side or until golden and cooked through. Remove from skillet.
Meanwhile cook bacon in microwave as package directs. Crumble when cool enough to handle.
Toss salad greens, tomatoes and bacon with 1/4 cup dressing. Arrange on serving plates, top with tenders and sprinkle with chives. Serve with remaining dressing.


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