Lunch: Tomato Bread Salad with Watercress Salsa Verde

Recipe By: Nick Fauchald A bright-tasting salsa verde, made with watercress, capers, garlic and anchovy, lends flavor to a luscious salad of juicy ripe tomatoes, chewy bread cubes and salty pecorino cheese. The salsa verde is good on almost anything, from


2 c. watercress leaves
2 tbsp. capers
1 clove garlic
1 oil-packed anchovy fillet
1/2 c. extra-virgin olive oil
1/4 c. red wine vinegar
kosher salt and freshly ground pepper
8 c. diced ciabatta bread (1 1/4-inch dice)
1 lb. tomatoes
1 1/2 oz. shaved pecorino cheese (3/4 cup)


In a food processor, pulse the watercress, capers, garlic and anchovy until finely chopped. Add the oil and vinegar and process until the dressing is smooth. Season with salt and pepper.
In a large bowl, toss the ciabatta, tomatoes, shaved pecorino and dressing; season with salt and pepper and serve.
Wine Recommendation: Herbal New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc: 2006 Wairau River.


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