Lunch: Boozy Dreamsicle Bites

Recipe by Lauren Miyashiro The only way to upgrade a classic creamsicle is with booze!


2 c. Nilla wafers
4 tbsp. butter, melted
2 tbsp. sugar
1 pt. vanilla ice cream, softened
1 pt. orange sherbet, softened
2 tbsp. orange liqueur (like Cointreau)
2 tbsp. Vanilla Vodka


Make the crust. Place the Nilla wafers in a food processor and pulse until you have fine crumbs. Alternatively, you can crush the cookies in a ziploc bag with a rolling pin (or your hands). Add the melted butter and sugar, and process (or stir) until combined. The texture should be similar to wet sand.
Line a 12-cup standard muffin tin with liners. Fill each liner with about a tablespoon of the the Nilla wafer mixture, and press down to compact the mixture to form a crust.
Spike the ice creams. Stir vanilla vodka into vanilla ice cream and orange liqueur into the orange sherbet.
Scoop a heaping tablespoon of the spiked vanilla ice cream into each liner, trying to place the ice cream on one side of the cup. Then scoop the sherbet into the cups to fill the other side. Top the cups off with more ice cream if necessary, the swirl the tops with the back of a spoon to create a swirled effect.
Freeze overnight or for 5 hours, until the ice cream hardens.


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