Lunch: Strawberry Margarita Popsicles

Add a splash of tequila to a frozen sweet with an easy and refreshing recipe for Strawberry Margarita Popsicles.


1 1/4 lbs strawberries, hulled and halved
1/2 cup white tequila
1/2 cup superfine granulated sugar
1 Tablespoon fresh lime juice


Combine the strawberries, tequila, granulated sugar and lime juice in a blender and purée until smooth.
Strain the mixture through a fine mesh sieve into a large liquid measuring cup or bowl with a spout. You will have approximately three cups of liquid.
Pour the mixture into your popsicle molds being careful to fill the molds only three-fourths full (the mixture will expand when it freezes). Add the popsicle sticks, if necessary, and place the molds in the freezer for at least 24 hours.
To unmold the ice pops, run them under lukewarm water for 10 seconds then slide them from the molds.


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